35 thoughts on “Recommended Blogs in the Publishing/ Writing/ Reading Community”

  1. You certainly have nothing to apologize for — your life is filled with accomplishment and creativity and ambition! Good luck in school!
    (One of the most interesting images I’ve seen online!)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good luck on your studies! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the valuable list you’ve put together. I’m just on the verge of self publishing my book. I’m sure the info. will be most helpful.


  3. Already following half of these, but so excited to discover a few new ones! Sharing with my friends on Twitter!


  4. Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information. It’s so difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff sometimes. I greatly appreciate your providing this service. That you included Susan M. Toy tells me that this is indeed a quality list.

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  5. Reblogged this on Romance Done Write and commented:
    There’s a few notable gems in here. I’d recommend checking them out before following them depending on your tastes. Some of the blogs are posts of pure information and how-to, a couple of inspirational posts, and a few good ones on insights. Enjoy! I found a couple new blogs to follow.

    Liked by 1 person

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